Thursday 29 August 2013

The Icelandic Phallological Museum

This afternoon I met with Andrea and Maarit with the intention of going whale watching. However, we decided that the weather was too bad and we should do something else instead. It seemed sensible to go somewhere inside so I suggested a place I've secretly wanted to go since the minute I got here and saw that it was opposite my hostel: The Penis Museum. I was surprised that they both seemed as interested as I was and we made the decision to go in about ten seconds flat. At this point I will warn you that the following post contains a lot of pictures of penises...

The museum contains the world's biggest collection of penises and related items and contains specimens from all kinds of animals: from guinea pig to reindeer to whale (so I guess in a way, we did end up going whale watching)!

A particularly, um, impressive specimen came from an elephant.

No, it's not its trunk.
Of course being in Iceland, the creatures also included elves, trolls and ghosts! How they obtained these I will never know, but I'm sure they're real...!

Well elves are invisible...

... and trolls do turn to stone...

... and ghosts are white!
Of course it's not just animals included in the museum. There is a human specimen too, and more interestingly several people have promised to donate their penises for many different reasons. One man wants to donate his because he believes it will be a perfect specimen as it's never been used. Another man had jokingly told a friend he would donate his and after his friend died he felt he should follow through with the promise. Of course, these men want to donate once they are dead and no longer need it. But not one man! Here is an extract of his letter, and one of my favourite things I've ever read in a museum (just to explain, he calls his penis 'Elmo'):

It is my intention to submit to surgery as soon as possible, while I am still very much alive and in healthy condition, so that Elmo The Penis will be surgically harvested from my body along with both testicles together with their chords to my abdominal wall; plus Elmo's entire scrotum; plus as much red-headed pubic scalp as we can persuade a competent surgeon to remove from me.

Mental. The last penis-based exhibit I will share with you is a set of silver casts of the 'members' of the members of the Icelandic silver medal-winning Handball team!

I can't help but feel a little sorry for the one in the front centre.
Maybe this hasn't been my most mature post so far, but I would challenge anyone to go into the Phallological Museum and not have a bit of a giggle!

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